The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

6.4E Science Extravaganza

Winter Term has been an exceptionally busy time for the boys in 6.4E. During Week 2B, Scitech visited the Middle School and the boys were presented with a CSI investigation. They were required to analyse various pieces of evidence in order to determine which suspect committed the crime. In addition to this, we have investigated the growth of fungi and we are starting to explore the different states of matter.

One of the highlights of Year 6 is the annual Science Fair. Currently, we are making great progress with the projects and we are really excited to share our results with the boys' families and the wider school community next Thursday. We have some very interesting topics including investigating heart rate, pH levels, braking distance and static electricity. It has been a great opportunity for the boys to demonstrate their organisation skills and ability to work independently. The boys have enjoyed every opportunity to extend their knowledge of Science and we all look forward to the informative presentations to come!

Miss Lauren Ellington
6.4E Homeroom Teacher