The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Primary Years Programme (PYP)  Learner Profile

Teaching and Learning in the Junior School

Below I have illustrated two findings from research on the Primary Years Programme. I thought it timely to share these having successfully completed our 5-year Self Study review.

One of the conclusions from a global study on the practice of transdisciplinary teaching and learning (teaching and learning that transcends disciplines) in the PYP was that students who experience an integrated curriculum are as successful academically, and are often more successful, than their peers who are not taught in a transdisciplinary manner. A review of the literature also indicated that a transdisciplinary approach can help students to develop skills and values that are necessary to be successful in a globalized world, such as international-mindedness and communication and critical thinking skills (Drake et al 2015).

In Australia, a study explored the impacts of PYP implementation on 13 Victorian government primary schools as well as student outcomes in a national assessment for reading and numeracy. The reading and numeracy results of the 13 PYP schools were higher than the Australian average in all cases, except for in one school for Year 5 in numeracy. Furthermore, the students at PYP government schools, for the cohorts 2008–2010, 2009–2011 and 2010–2012, achieved higher levels in both reading and numeracy, in both Years 3 and 5, when compared to similar schools and Australian schools generally. Lastly, educators in the 13 schools believed the PYP had contributed to student learning and academic achievement, student development of learner profile attributes and student motivation (Gough et al 2014).

Mr Warwick Norman
Junior School Dean of Teaching & Learning