The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Deputy Head of Junior School

Friendly Schools Plus and Wellbeing

Scotch College Junior School uses the Friendly Schools Plus programme as part of its Health Curriculum delivery. Last term Miss Phebe Samson, Mrs Fiona Alexander and myself attended professional learning with Erin Erceg, a co-founder and programme developer of Friendly Schools Plus. She spoke to us about the importance of social and emotional development of children and their importance in navigating school life and overcoming adversity.

Using this programme alongside other professional learning, looking at the Junior School's current practice and matching this to the Wellbeing Strategic Plan, is part of the next stages for the Wellbeing journey of the Junior School.

Friendly Schools Plus defines bullying as;

Repeated behaviour; that may be physical, verbal, and/or psychological; where there is intent to cause fear, distress, or harm to another; that is conducted by a more powerful individual or group; against a less powerful individual or group of individuals who are unable to stop this from happening.

This is also nicely represented in this poster shared by the Middle School;

Miss Penny Hooper
Deputy Head of Junior School
(Administration and Pastoral Care)