The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Academic Support

Pencil Grip

With the Early Learning Centre up and running at Scotch, we have an excellent opportunity to support boys with correct pencil grasp at an early age. Early intervention is key to set boys up for success in writing which will have a very positive impact on their future schooling. Chris Dove, our on-site OT, kindly offered his time to complete observations in Kindy, Pre-Primary and Year 1. As a result, we have identified the boys who require intervention to help them hold a pencil correctly. Shortly we will be receiving a variety of pencil grips which will be available for boys to use. The classroom teachers, Educational Assistants and the support teachers try their best to monitor the boys in class to ensure correct grip. While we are quite vigilant about monitoring, it is quite easy for the boys to revert back to a grip they have already developed. Support at home makes a big difference when trying to break a habit. Children often find it more difficult to unlearn existing behaviours. Boys should be encouraged to use correct grip at all times. Read the article written by Chris Dove to understand the importance of correct pencil grip from a young age. Find out how you can best support your son at home. Chris' article is attached to the weekly ELC and Year 1 teachers' notices in the school App.

Mrs Janet Lopez
Head of Academic Support