The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

French News

Bonjour everyone. Year 5 is very excited to tell you about their Soldier Letter Project. All three classes have spent the last unit of inquiry brainstorming how to reach out to French soldiers currently serving around the world. We discussed how these French men and women are braving conflict areas to bring peace and an end to conflict far from home. We discussed what life must be like on active service and how we could bring a bit of friendship and comfort to them with our letters. The boys worked with sentence starters based on expressing "I am, I have and I like" in order to describe themselves in French and share a bit about their lives with the soldiers.

They also learnt a new way in which to ask a question in French, so that they could ask the soldiers about their lives as well. The boys worked individually on their letters and then brought them to Madame Vinton and her prac student Marie Badoche for editing, advice and suggestions. The final version of the letters will form the French display as part of the Year 5 Exhibition in Week 4. Once the Exhibition is completed, our French captains, Nick Everett and Ronan Leishman will package up our letters - along with a picture from every boy - to send off to service men and women working for the French Government in French territory around the world.

We hope that our letters will bring a smile and a touch of Scotch College friendship to our French counterparts doing their best to make the world a better place.

Madame Vinton
French Specialist