The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Senior Athletics Team

Monday 14 August marks the beginning of the PSA Athletics season, concluding with the Inters on Friday 8 September. Over an extended number of years the Senior School Scotch College athletics team has forged a tradition of outstanding success, a result of strong leadership from the Year 12 athletes and the sacrifice and commitment of the athletes from Years 7 to 11. After winning the Alcock Shield again in 2016, the team has the athletic potential to win this year and make it three successive Alcock Shield wins.

With community sport finals, football development squads and examinations looming it is a busy time for your son. However, if he is organised and makes athletics training a priority, especially given there will be no more PSA winter sport, it is important he makes three training sessions per week.

School sport and successful school teams result from our boys making representing Scotch College a priority. This has been the great quality of this school. All boys are invited to be involved in the athletics team, so please encourage your son to be involved.

Mr Tony Doney
Athletics Co-ordinator