The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Dean of Teaching and Learning

IB PYP Self-Study Survey

Welcome back from the Easter break. As stated in the first newsletter article this year, we have now commenced our self-study year as part of the IB Evaluation process.

For those who missed this first article (and are now excitedly reading this one) the Self Study process:

  • Is a detailed and thorough reflection by all community members on all aspects of the
    programme implementation. The standards and practices establish a goal for schools to reach, though typically schools cannot meet all practices equally at all times.
  • The self-study provides the opportunity to reflect honestly and identify where the school excels, where it has shown growth and what needs additional attention. 

  • The conclusions represent the perspectives of teachers, school leaders, students, parents and community members. 

  • The school gathers evidence regarding their implementation of each practice and rates the implementation. 

On completion of this stage a detailed report will be submitted to the IB along with a 5-year action plan. This action plan will be amended once the IB has evaluated the current programmes and made its own recommendations. The 5-year plan will then be incorporated into the Whole School (and Sub School's) Strategic Plan.

We will be sending out the Parent Survey this week and I encourage you to complete the survey so that we can provide the IB with the most accurate picture of how the parents see the programme currently operating in Scotch College Junior School.

Mr Warwick Norman
Junior School Dean of Teaching and Learning