The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

French News

Bonjour everyone. Well, it was a wonderfully busy and successful term in French. So many boys are getting active and confident in French lessons, which is fantastique to see. The Year 1 boys had a successful time working with greetings, learning how to say hello at different times of the day and how to introduce themselves and share their name using "Je m'appelleā€¦" During one lesson, we all gathered in a circle with mini whiteboards and wrote out our phrases and then shared them with each other. The boys were great at pronouncing these new words and even gave writing in French a go for the first time. This term, thanks to our two French Captains, Ryan Wang and Will Salom, we will be promoting French even more in the Junior School at Scotch. Listen out for their announcements at assembly for news on the big French event they will organise for Autumn Term.

Madame Vinton
French Specialist