The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

We Have Standards

Centuries ago, knights and kings carried banners they called standards, when they went into battle. These standards told anyone who saw it, where they came from, that they were not ashamed to be from there and what they believed in.

For us at Scotch College, we wear a very distinct uniform, and on each piece of that uniform we wear the school banner or the school 'standard'.

Here at Scotch, that banner, our standard, says something very important. It tells people that we believe in:

  • Integrity: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty
  • Service: acts of helpful activity; assistance and support; to do someone service
  • Stewardship: using talents, ability and resources in a responsible and honourable manner

When people see our students, our ambassadors, they tell people about our school every time they are seen in our school uniform whether that be on a bus, in a shop, at a sporting event. The boys do not even have to say anything. How they behave, how polite they are, how kind they are, tell people about the values of the school they attend.

On Friday 3 February, the Junior School commissioned our Semester 1 school leaders. Each school leader received a special badge and each badge has on it our school banner, our standard. This badge represents the trust their classmates and schoolmates have placed in them to lead them and the standards they are expected to uphold.

At our service Alex Hudson, our Junior School Captain for 2017, spoke to the school community about the pride he feels in being elected as captain and the importance he places on the position.

I am looking forward to the challenges and success of 2017, to watching our boys demonstrate the standards that make our School so special and watching them grow as Scotch boys.

Mr John Stewart
Head of Junior School