The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Middle Years Programme - Semester 2 Reports

As the year draws to an end the Middle School teachers are busy finalising the Semester 2 reports. These will be sent home at the end of the last week of school and will be made available on Connect to parents and boys on 12 December 2016. If you have changed your address recently please ensure you advise us of your new details so the report is posted to the correct location.

When reading the Semester 2 report with your son, through the levels, grades, ATLs and comments, ask him to reflect on the educational goals he set for himself at the beginning of Winter Term. Hopefully his hard work will have made a positive difference to his results.

The grades will indicate what your son has shown that he is capable of in each of his subjects. While the assessment task results heavily influence the levels, teachers also take into consideration classwork, homework and classroom discussion when making their final on-balanced decision on final levels, and therefore, grades.

The Grade Descriptors will give you an indication of the work your son has produced this semester.


Boundary guidelines




Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks understanding of most concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using knowledge or skills.



Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in understanding for many concepts and contexts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills.



Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many concepts and contexts, with occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Is often inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom situations.



Produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most concepts and contexts with few misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and skills with some flexibility in familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar situations.



Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real-world situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations.



Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar and unfamiliar classroom and real- world situations, often with independence.



Produces high-quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts and
contexts. Consistently demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers knowledge and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex classroom and real-world situations.

Ms Anna Eriksson
Dean of Teaching & Learning Middle School