The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Primary Years Programme (PYP) Learner Profile

Dimensions of Inquiry

There are many dimensions of inquiry, which allow for a rich and challenging programme. Below I have expanded on an assessment rubric created by the Galileo Educational Network (2014) outlining some of the key dimensions:


The inquiry emanates from a question, problem or exploration that has meaning to the students and provides opportunities to create or produce something that contributes to the world's knowledge.

Academic Rigour

Students build knowledge that leads to deep understanding. They are provided with multiple, flexible ways to approach the problem, issue or question under study that use methods of inquiry central to the disciplines that underpin the problem, issue or question.


On-going assessment is woven into the design of the inquiry providing timely descriptive feedback and utilising a range of methods, including peer and self-evaluation. Assessment guides student learning and teacher's instructional planning.

Beyond The School

Students address a conceptual understanding, issue or problem, relevant to curriculum outcomes, but grounded in the life and work beyond the school. Students need to develop organisational and self-management skills in order to complete the study.

Use of Digital Technologies

Technology is used in a purposeful manner that demonstrates an appreciation of new ways of thinking and doing.

Active Exploration

Students are required to spend significant amounts of time engaging in fieldwork, design work, interviews, as well as other immersion-based tasks and activities.

Connecting With Expertise

Students observe and interact with adults with relevant expertise and experience in a variety of situations. Through inquiry adults are required to collaborate with one another and with students on the knowledge, design and assessment of the inquiry.

Elaborated Communication

Students have extended opportunities to support, challenge, and respond to each other's ideas as they negotiate a collective understanding of relevant concepts.

Mr Warwick Norman
Junior School Dean of Teaching & Learning