The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Head of Middle School

Thank you for joining us at our Inter-House Athletics Carnival last Thursday. We had a great day of racing, jumping and throwing in superb weather and in a perfect setting. The effort of the boys in their events and the camaraderie amongst the competitors was wonderful to see. It is a day when, without intending to, boys show us through their engagement and participation, just how grateful they are for the opportunity to be at this school. Having a huge parent presence always gives events such as the Athletics Carnival another level of excitement and anticipation and I know the boys get a thrill from having you there to acknowledge their effort regardless of result. Thank you to the Pipe Band Parent Group for providing the nourishment and sustenance for us all throughout the day.

This week Year 6 & 7 host their annual combined Scotch/PLC Quiz Nights in MacKellar Hall. The Quiz Nights mark the start of a sequence of combined social events that culminate in six years' time in the Year 12 Ball. In Year 8 boys are invited to a combined Games Evening with PLC, in Year 9 a combined Canberra Tour & Ski Trip is planned. In Year 10, following their Personal Project showcase, boys are invited to a combined River Cruise with MLC. In Year 11 Scotch Parents Association host the Year 11 Dance with the Year 12 Ball the following year. There is plenty to look forward to with these opportunities for our boys to showcase their character.

Next Friday we farewell Ibu Naomi Hermawan our Indonesian teacher who heads to the USA to study. Replacing Ibu Naomi is Ibu Francesca Gabby who will be joining us from Fremantle Christian College.

Mr Richard Ledger

Head of Middle School