The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

There's Something Cooking in Food Design

We all undoubtedly agree that it has been a fast and exciting start to the semester. Both Year 6 & 7 boys alike have been working feverishly over their units of inquiry and have had wonderful and engaging experiences in the Food Design room. There has been plenty to get involved in over this rotation, with the Year 6 boys investigating healthy eating and designing their fruit crumble. The Year 7 boys are studying the Healthy Eating Pyramid and using this model to design a healthy hamburger for their friends.

The Year 8 boys are currently undertaking the investigation phase of their design challenge and are learning the finer skills of cooking eggs. The boys will eventually work towards creating a special healthy breakfast for their family.

The boys and I have had such a great time creating numerous food products and learning a great deal about Food Design, we are all looking forward to the term ahead.

Mrs Katie Frampton

Food Design Teacher