The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Tutor Sessions for the SAT Exam (USA University Entrance Exam)

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (or SAT) is a tertiary entrance exam required by most universities in the United States. This exam is offered three times in the Perth area between 1 October and 3 December, 2016. If your child is interested in university studies in the USA, they will probably need to take this exam. Scotch College has graciously allowed SAT tutoring sessions to be held at Scotch from noon to 1:30pm starting Sunday, 7 August and continuing every Sunday through 28 August. Fees for this tutoring will be payable to the tutor, Ms Lauren Kronemyer, at the beginning of each session.

If your child is interested in attending these tutoring sessions, please contact Ms. Kronemyer at to express your interest. The room number will be emailed to you a few days before the first session.