The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Relationships Australia

Relationships Australia are running the following upcoming parenting courses:

Building Stronger Families - a course for the whole family. Wednesday 27 July x 8 weeks. $80 per single parent family/$120 per family.

This six-week course is designed specifically for families with children over the age of 10. Inclusion is the key, and any adult involved in the parenting process is invited to come along and learn the skills needed to keep your family healthy. Parents, learn how to be leaders and role models in your family. Children learn how to be special and also how to belong. This course is based on the work of George Doub and Florence Creighton, authors of Survival Skills for Healthy Families.

Virtues Parenting Programme - Monday 1 August x 6 weeks. $110 per person.

Being a parent is the most complex and important activity on the planet. Parents are the child's first and most important educators, yet they receive little or no training in what to do or how to do it. Unfortunately, children don't come with instruction manuals. Teaching virtues to children is a way of bringing out the best in every child. Each day of living with children brings fresh opportunities for guiding them and using 'teachable moments' which pass quickly and may never come again. Children are born in and with potential; their natural qualities can develop into positive or negative traits depending on how they are educated in the early years. Character develops as children learn to make responsible, moral choices with self-esteem being a natural outcome.

PIT STOP - A Parenting Tune-up for Fathers - 27 July x 8 weeks. $130 per person.

This course covers -

  • Why Dads Matter To Kids
  • Developing a Healthy Parenting Style
  • Improving Family Communication and Closeness
  • Steering Your Children Through Stressful Stages
  • Disciplining the Kids Without Losing It
  • Balancing Life, Work and Family
  • Working as a Team (Partner's Evening)

Please phone 6164 0200 for more information.