The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

3R News

Last week the boys in 3R performed their assembly item for the Junior School. They used this opportunity to share their current inquiry journey into the inter-connectedness of human-made systems in the "How We Organise Ourselves" unit. To do this the boys used an inquiry model to reflect on their learning to date, discuss what they wanted to know more about and think about what else they were interested in exploring. At the assembly the boys shared their central idea: Products can go through a process of change before they are distributed and consumed, they detailed some of their learning experiences such as, their excursion to Kelmscott Farm to get an understanding of the farm-to-table concept, their exploration into how various food products are made and their research into what our various state and territories produce for us to eat and export overseas.

After exploring the changes food products go through, the boys were keen to look at how other products are manufactured and learned about how cars are made. They were fascinated to find out that cars are made on an assembly line which sees them move from workstation to workstation to have parts added in sequence. They decided to show a video of this at the assembly, along with some future car concepts like the BMW Shape-Shifting car and if ever built, will employ geometric shapes to move the car. The boys finished their assembly item by sharing what they are interested in inquiring into next being how hoverboards work, how medicine is produced and what process is used to make slow motion cameras. The boys are also looking forward to their "Teacher Chair Project" that will conclude the unit. Their challenge is to design and construct a chair that Ms Richardson can use for Autumn term using only cardboard and duct tape. They will need to research chairs, draw and test various designs, construct the chair, make assembly instructions and work out what to charge with consideration to what their chair costs to make.

Ms Liza Richardson

Year 3R Teacher