The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

8.2R Following their Hearts

This term 8.2R have been busy studying cells, tissues, organs and systems in the Biological Sciences unit with the boys being exposed to a wide variety of learning experiences. We have viewed animal tissue through the microscopes, gained a hands-on approach to making a cell through creativity, investigated the link between exercise and heart rate through inquiry, used the small white boards for reviewing previous learning and expressing ideas in collaborative groups, just to name a few.

Most recently, the boys started the circulatory system and with St Valentine's Day just past, it was fitting that the boys of 8.2R carried out a heart dissection in class. Most pleasingly was that all the boys demonstrated a genuine interest in this work and nobody completed the practical in vain!

The boys have been enthusiastic in this unit thus far which is super to see. As teachers, we emphasise the importance of balance for organisms to function at a cellular to system level. It is most pleasing to view the IB Learner Profile Attributes and be able to link each of the ten to aspects of learning in Science so far. Most importantly, it is hoped that boys continue to create, question and search in this fascinating branch of Science.

Mr Toby Robinson
8.2R Homeroom Teacher