The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Scotch Auxiliary

Last Tuesday evening the Parents' Association voted unanimously at their AGM to support the merger of the Parents' Association with Scotch Auxiliary to form one parent support group, called 'Scotch Parents'. We are pleased that we can now proceed in forming an interim Committee from both support groups until our inaugural 'Scotch Parents' AGM, which will occur within the next 6-12 months. It has been rewarding to see the great collaboration among the College and both our support groups during this process. This is an exciting and significant change for our College, and one that will benefit our whole School community.

Plans are well underway for the 2016 Valedictory Dinner. We have received many offers of help from our new Year 12 parents to assist at the workshop, set up and evening. Thank you!

Current Year 12 parents are most welcome to pop in and see how the preparations are going. The workshop will take place on Wednesday 23 November at 9am-11am in Memorial Hall, with set up for the dinner commencing at 11am, Friday 25 November, in the Dickinson Centre.


2016 Valedictory Dinner - Friday 25 November.

For more details and to purchase tickets please visit the Scotch College website and click on the "Book a Scotch Event" icon.

Year 8 Celebration Breakfast - Thursday 8 December, 7.30am-8.30am, Middle School Quadrangle. Details will be emailed to parents soon.

Mrs Carissa Paganin