The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Art News

Last week, it was a pleasure to welcome all junior boys with their families to the art room. The Student Led Conference gave the parents a taste of student life in the specialist art studio.

After a brief introduction about the legend of the Scottish national flower, parents and guardians guided the boys through the creative challenge of drawing their very own thistle. Working diligently, in the allocated twenty-minutes they even had time for a mini critic at the end! The mock gallery conclusion gave the groups a valuable opportunity to discuss their own outcomes and appreciate the responses of others.

Each artist approached the task with great enthusiasm and confidence.

I was amazed at the individuality of each work, varying in composition, use of technique and chosen colour.

The final collaborative thistle work containing 200+ artworks shall be revealed at the forthcoming Scotch Inspirations Art Exhibition during Week 8.

Jane Roche

Junior Art Specialist