The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Working with the school

Many young people report they do not tell an adult when they are experiencing cyber-bullying because they
are afraid of how adults will respond. Young people report their parents often over-react and try to take control of the situation. Young people need adults to help them to deal with the problem for themselves by acting as a facilitator, listening non-judgmentally and providing support and advice when asked. Ask your child which, if any, strategies he has already tried, if they were helpful, what other people have tried and their usefulness and what they would try next time.

It is important to also let the School know about the bullying situation. However, before approaching the School, ask your child how he would like to talk about this issue with the School and discuss what outcome he wants as a result of involving the School.


• Phoning the School and asking who is best placed to help your child

• Making a time to talk with this person at school

• Explaining what you know about the situation

• Describing strategies your child has tried to date

• Asking for a plan of action that can be implemented at the School and at home

• Consider setting a date and time for a follow-up meeting

• Discussing with your child what happened and what the agreed strategies are.

Mr Warwick Norman

Friendly Schools and Families Coordinator